Elizabeth A. - 5 of 0 Shares Sponsored

Elizabeth A.

Age 16

Elizabeth was born in the Southern area of Sierra Leone. She was referred to our care when the government discovered she was being trafficked.

She is in the 10th grade! Elizabeth's best friend is Fatmata K. and she loves the color yellow. She enjoys art and was one of the ring leaders making decorations during our Girls Camp this summer.

Elizabeth is a Christian and wants to live to be more encouraging to her friends every day. Her favorite Bible verse is Psalm 149:2. "Let Israel rejoice in their Maker; let the people of Zion be glad in their King." She is also fascinated with Genesis and loves the story of Adam and Eve.

Elizabeth wants to be a doctor. Because of her dreams, she focuses on Mathematics and English in school. She works hard in her classes to make her dreams come true. We are so proud of Elizabeth for her encouraging spirit and hard-working drive!








Elizabeth and her family March 2024